Having kids can raise your weekly or monthly food shop a lot. On average, we spend around £100 per week on food. That doesn't include our trips to the local shop during the week for top ups. However, there are many weeks we can get the food shop down to around £60-£70. This is when I follow the tips below. It really has helped us, and I need to stick to it more often. When you've got kids, ever single penny counts.
Reusable Bags; I'd really recommend a bag for life when you're going shopping. Although buying plastic carrier bags are pretty cheap at only 5p or 10p per bag, think of the amount of money you would have wasted on just carrier bags by the end of the year? We usually need around 6-7 carrier bags, before we bought some bags for life. That equals to around £15-£30 a year. It may not sound like a lot, but I'm sure you could think of a better way of spending that money, right?
Write a List; I highly advise to write a shopping list and stick to it. Write your list at home in the kitchen, this is so you can look through your cupboards, draws, fridge and freezer to see what your low stock on and what you need to buy. This can save you a lot of money.
Eat Before; Make sure you eat before you go food shopping. My partner and I are terrible at food shopping when we're hungry. We end up throwing everything in the trolley, things we don't usually buy and don't need.
Try Different Shops; There's no harm in trying our different supermarkets for your food shop. If you are struggling to keep a low budget at your current supermarket, maybe you could try another to compare prices and see if you can do a cheaper shop there.
Use Vouchers; There are many ways you can receive vouchers, such as; signing up to supermarkets newsletters, signing up to have a store card and looking through magazines and newspapers. If you find some, be sure to use them. They come in handy.
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