We are getting closer and closer to the summer, and something I really need to work on is getting our garden ready for it. At the moment our garden has a lot of my partners work bits around, as well as huge pieces of wood and so on. But we have made some huge improvements to our garden since moving into our home nearly 5 years ago. It was one of the first big projects we did the minute we moved. There are still a few other bits we need to do to improve our garden and get it ready for the summer. Here are just a few of my tips:
Basic Maintenance
First things first, clearing off any leaves from your paths or lawn. Mowing your lawn and just giving your whole garden a clean up ready for the next steps to make your garden ready for the summer season.
Flower Bed
Whether you are into gardening or not, I'm not that much of a huge fan, but having a flower bed makes a garden look presentable and pretty too. If you have children, I'm sure they would absolutely love to have their own flower bed in their garden. Something fun for them to do with your outdoors on a regular basis. It's also educational for them too.
Garden Furniture
Get your garden furniture out and give them a good clean ready for the summer days. If you don't have any garden furniture, why not invest in some? Having some good sun loungers or relax on or garden table and chairs are always great to have in the garden. Make your garden a place you can relax during the summer season. If you haven't got any, then you can find some great garden furniture deals online and in stores.
Clear Out The Shed
Just like your home, it's always good to have a huge de-clutter, even in the shed. Having a de-clutter at least once or twice a month will keep your shed in a reasonable state. It will make things easier to get out if they are needed through the summer, and even throughout the year too.
Freshen Up Fences
If you have a fence that looks pretty wear out, why not give it a lick of paint to bring it back to life? The weather we have had the past few months have made pretty much everything outdoors look 'tired' and 'out of life' but giving a freshen up will make a huge difference.
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I need to get my garden in shape for summer it all gets a bit neglected over winter!!