Our Month: June
5 Jul 2018
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We're over half ways through the year, how exciting but scary at the same time. Our Freddie, my last baby, will be 2 years old this month and I'm not ready for it. It only feels like yesterday that I found out I was pregnant with him. There are so many changes happening this year, and although I'm excited about it all, I'm also sad that time is just flying past. How mad is it to think that two years ago I was just waiting for my baby boy to come. I was nearing the end of my pregnancy, hoping and wishing that I'd be able to go into labour on my own for once instead of an early induction. I do miss being pregnant, but I absolutely love having Freddie around. He's an amazing little boy, just like his two beautiful sisters.
Back to talking about our month. June was a hot month, too hot! We had a busy month but not so much going on days out as we have spent most of our time in the back garden. There were a couple of times where we had gone out but decided to come back home for the kids to play in the back garden instead, as the weather was just too hot. We've had loads of water fights, a couple of barbecues, visiting family and a christening day.
Something the girls had been super excited for was their sports day in school. This is the first year that they have been doing it at separate times as they are both in different key stages at school. So I was there from 9.30 until 3.30 - it was hot, tiering but it was lovely watching them both try their best. I'm mixed emotions about sports days as I don't see as a competition, but it's hard to explain that to the kids sometimes. Hopefully, as they grow older, they will understand - who knows?
To finish the post off, here are some photos I took throughout June:
Linking up with My Family Adventures

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