What To Do If Your Child Is Involved In An Accident

Seeing your child in pain or discomfort and being unable to help them is a nightmare for any parent. Our natural instinct is to do everything possible to keep them safe and healthy, but we can’t always guarantee this. In those situations, when circumstances prevail, we need to be there for them in their recovery with love and care. However, you should know that if they are hurt in an accident through no fault of their own, you may be able to help them after the incident in a more practical way. Compensation claims can be made on behalf of your child, which they can benefit from after their 18th birthday.
If your child is involved in an accident, here’s what you need to do.

Seek medical assistance
Your immediate course of action is going to be to seek the best medical care available for your child. Whether this is an ambulance and emergency treatment or ongoing medical treatment, you should ensure you get copies of all the relevant medical records.

Report the accident
Report the accident to an appropriate person and ensure it is recorded in an accident book or similar. Make sure you request a copy of this report for your records.

Take photos of physical injuries
Get photographic evidence of physical injuries sustained and, if appropriate, the scene where the accident took place. You may also need to request CCTV footage if there were cameras at the scene. If witnesses are present when the accident takes place, get their contact details and names in case you need their support later.

Get professional advice
When children are injured in accidents which were not their fault, they may be entitled to claim for compensation. Accidents may include those that take place at school, an after-school club, a sports club, a playground, a soft-play facility or a nursery and are caused by unsafe facilities, equipment or inadequate supervision. Claims may also be made for children who are injured in road traffic accidents.
While children under the age of 18 cannot file a claim, you as the parent, grandparent or legal guardian can do so on their behalf, acting as what is called a litigation friend. The child’s parent or guardian may also be able to claim for out of pocket expenses incurred due to the accident such as travel or medical costs and for any extra care the child has needed (outside of normal parental duties).
Visit www.the-compensation-experts.co.uk  for more information on making a compensation claim and advice on how to file your claim. Child accident claims need to be approved by a judge at a brief hearing at the end of the claim process to ensure the compensation being awarded is fair.

How will compensation be paid?
If a compensation claim is successful, the payment will typically be paid into a bank account which is held by the court. The payment will gain interest there and, when the child reaches 18 years of age, it will be paid directly to them. It is possible to apply for payments to be made before the child turns 18, but this is generally only in special circumstances.

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