Planning A Day Out.

I love going out for the day, especially when its all four of us. Better than staying at home doing nothing isn't it? I just wish I could drive so I could take the girls to more places. With Iwan being in work full time and only get most weekends off it's quite hard to go for days out but we do try to go as often as we can. Planning a day out can be very simple and often cheap if you think ahead!

1. Where to go.
First thing first, you need too choose where you would like to go. Maybe you need to book tickets to that place, or maybe it costs quite a bit so you will need to save money for the tickets. You got to try and think where would the children enjoy themselves mostly. Is it child-friendly? Will the children get bored quick? There is all kinds of things to think about. Also there are loads and loads of places to choose from too. From swimming, the park, theme parks and many other places. If you're stuck you can easily check online or check the leaflets in your local shops or supermarkets.

2. When?
You got to make sure you're going to go when everyone is free. Maybe go at a time where the place won't be packed. Less people there are the more you will enjoy yourselves.

3. Saving.
Maybe the place you have chosen to go is quite expensive to get in, so you will need to save money and save some spending money too whilst you're out for the day. Otherwise in most places such as the park you won't need money to go out, you can easily leave your purse or wallet at home and save money whilst you're enjoy a lovely day out.

4. Back up.
If you've decided to go outside for a day out and it decides to rain on the day, try and think of a back up or a second choice? This is so you have no disappointment!

5. Food.
Most places when you go out either have restraunts or café's around but it would be much cheaper to bring your own picnic. All children love picnics! Little adventure for them.

Do you plan ahead before you go out for the day?

1 comment

  1. I love planning a good day out with the kiddos! You have some lovely tips here.

    My girls LOVE picnics. I swear, that's all they need to make them happy (that and tea parties).

    Thanks for sharing. I hope you had a lovely weekend.


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