Fresh New Year

Even though we are in February now, it's never to late to make some New Year's Resolutions. There are many things we can do to help us have a good year. It doesn't have to be the usual 'stop smoking', 'lose weight' kind of resolutions, there are many other things you could do to have that fresh new year.

PlanningPlanning is key! There are many things you could plan for the year, such as birthdays, holidays, weekend break aways, celebrations and much more. The best way to plan is to sit down one day/evening and go through the whole year. A diary could help you with this.

New Year Resolution Pots How about making your very own home made New year resolution pots. Write down on a piece of paper what you want to achieve during the year and you can open the pot at the end of the year to see if they were achieved or not.

De-Cluttering One thing that really helps me feel better is de-cluttering the house. Especially my wardrobe. When you open a wardrobe there is nothing worse than opening it and just seeing it all cluttered. When you have a de-cluttered wardrobe it looks tidy, clean and fresh. You can hide your clutter and your junk in material storage boxes or wicker baskets, this will make your wardrobe look nice too!

Would you be interested in what your wardrobe says about you? Take this fun quiz to find out.

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1 comment

  1. Haha I got "Show Stopper" which is such a lie!! For me, February is always a better fresh start than January. I mean yes I do resolutions on Jan 1st but by the end of January I'm back to old habits etc because work is just too hectic! x


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