Am I Ready To Be a Mum of 3?
7 Jun 2016
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It doesn't seem like that long ago that I found out I was expecting baby number 3. The first trimester went so slow and I remember just being so impatient as I just wanted to get past the first trimester stage and be in the second trimester so I could stop worrying about certain things. To think now, I am in the third trimester and 33 weeks. Which means I only have a few weeks left until I get to meet my beautiful baby boy. Our first son. It's so exciting but also, it is so scary.
Having two girls who are aged 6 and 4, it is a scary thought welcoming a brand new baby into our family in just over a month. I still can't get my head around the fact that I will have to do that newborn stage all over again, but I honestly can not wait for that. The other thing that scares me is wondering how different it will be raising a boy than girls. I have looked after my friends son a couple of times but babysitting is totally different to actually being a parent isn't it.
Baby boy has his own nursery, which hasn't been completed yet but we still have a good few months until he needs the room. But I am wanting to finish it before he arrives as all of his clothes and bits and bobs are going to be kept there. I have never been able to do a nursery room for the girls, so it is something I am excited about this time round. His room has all of his things, all the clothes are piled up along with his teddies and other bits. Sometimes I will walk in there and just look at his little clothes and I still can't believe it to this day that I am going to have a son.
Even though I can say now that I am more than ready to meet Baby boy, maybe because I am getting fed up with the pregnancy, but I do think there will never be a right time that I am ready for another baby, and I think it goes out to a lot of other people too.
I am so looking forward to that first cuddle after giving birth. I am hoping to breastfeed this time round so that will be a new challenge that I will be taking on and very determined that I will do it and succeed! Thinking about the newborn cuddles, waking up in the middle of the night and the rest of the newborn stage is getting me so excited. I can not wait for him to come home in his new KiddyUK car seat and have his first walk in his new UPPAbaby Vista pram. It's so exciting.
One thing that does scare me and worry me is having to deal with the girls' tantrums and tempers and having to deal with Baby boy too. I know there are going to be bad days and there are going to be good days and the good days are always remembered but the bad days are mostly forgotten. As it will be the school Summer holidays around here when Baby boy arrives, I am hoping for quite a bit of help with the girls from family as I don't want them to have a rubbish Summer holidays just because I might not be able to walk properly or cope properly due to sleepless nights and breastfeeding. There are a couple of nights planned when the girls are going to be staying at my Dad's and I am hoping that maybe Mia's Dad will help by having her one extra night on some weekends too.
On being big sisters, I think Mia will take it on pretty well as she is already and older sister to Elliw and her other sister on her Dad's side. Sometimes I do think will it be different with baby being a boy this time? How will she take that? Elliw on the other hand, I think at times she will throw a tantrum as she won't be able to get as much attention as she does now but I do think both of them will try their best in helping and will be proud of their little brother. I have really tried my best to get them both involved in this pregnancy as I think it is so important to involve siblings in the pregnancy so it's not as big of a shock to them when baby actually arrives.
So, am I ready to be a mum of 3? Probably not, but I don't think there will be any time that I am not ready to be a parent to another child. I will just take it day by day.

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